Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SHINee’s Key suggested the idea for his new hairstyle

Upon SHINee’s hot comeback, there were jumbled reactions regarding the new concept for their 2nd album, Lucifer.

A handful of you guys thought their funky hairstyles and classy apparels were clever and superb. And of course, there were others who were just downright confused with SHINee’s overall concept.

Particularly, Key’s partially shaved head has left an impacting impression on the fans and is garnering a lot of attention. This gentleman finally spoke up about his unique hairdo through a recent interview with a NewsEn reporter.

Key expressed:

“I personally proposed this hairstyle. I wasn’t even hesitant. Instead, I was rather anxious about showing a whole new image”

“I did worry about how I would look with the new hairstyle, but I’m glad that it looks better than I expected”

“I’m really thankful of the fans for showing their interests”

* Indonesian Translate

Setelah comeback SHINee's panas, ada campur aduk reaksi tentang konsep baru untuk album 2 mereka, Lucifer.

Sejumlah kalian berpikir funky hairstyles dan pakaian berkelas pintar dan hebat. Dan tentu saja, ada orang lain yang hanya benar-benar bingung dengan konsep keseluruhan SHINee's.

Terutama, kepala Key mencukur sebagian telah meninggalkan kesan berdampak pada para penggemar dan mengumpulkan banyak perhatian. Pria ini akhirnya angkat bicara tentang model rambut yang unik melalui wawancara dengan seorang reporter Newsen.

Key menyatakan:

"Saya pribadi mengusulkan gaya rambut ini. Aku bahkan tidak ragu-ragu. Sebaliknya, saya agak cemas tentang menampilkan gambar baru "

"Saya tidak khawatir tentang bagaimana saya akan terlihat dengan gaya rambut baru, tapi aku senang bahwa terlihat lebih baik dari yang diharapkan"

"Aku benar-benar bersyukur dari fans untuk menunjukkan kepentingan mereka"

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