연애라는 게 만나서 보고 얘기 나누고 그래야 되는건데, 우리에게 주어진 건 핸드폰 밖에 없다.
그런데 폰팅을 할 수 없지 않냐"고 발언해 모두를 깜짝 놀라게 했다.
샤이니 멤버들과 MC들은 '폰팅' 발언에 당황했고
키는 "그런 의미가 아니라.."라고 황급히 수습하려 했다.
신동엽은 "소개팅 미팅 폰팅 다 좋지만 전화로
나쁜 짓은 하지 말아야 된다"고 재치있게 전해 웃음을 유발했다.
키는 끝으로 "정말 (연애) 한번도 못해봤다.
연습생 때는 하지 말라고 해서 안해봤고 데뷔하고서는 바빠서 더 못했다"고 전했다.
한편 이날 방송에서 MC군단과 샤이니 멤버들은 다함께
병원 나이트 근무를 하고 있는 사연의 주인공을 위해 밤참을 준비해 찾아갔다.
SHINee Key questions to ask dating experience
"Given the environment is not only a mobile phone.
Is not ponting can not do, "he said nobody.
Aired on August 22 key KBS 2TV 'overnight nocturnal variety' in
SHINee members appeared as guests on various topics and played a joke.
The broadcast from the key, "not once, but honestly didn love," he
MC asked me all these legions of "not really.
Nice to see something called a love that is so going to talk, We have given out my cell phone.
Keeping yeongeureonde ponting can not do, "he was amazed at all baleonhae.
MC members and their SHINee 'ponting' remarks were embarrassing
Key, "that does not mean .." he said hurriedly, trying to rectify.
Inferiority that "blind date, but call it a meeting ponting
Do not do anything bad, "he said caused laughter tell witty.
The key conclusion, "It (love) never once looked.
When a trainee not to busy and never saw a soccer debut was better, "he said.
Meanwhile on the air corps and SHINee MC members together
Hospital, the hero of the story are working night and went to prepare for a midnight snack.
SHINee Key pertanyaan untuk meminta pengalaman kencan
"Mengingat lingkungan tidak hanya ponsel.
Apakah tidak ponting tidak bisa melakukan, "katanya tidak ada.
Ditayangkan pada 22 Agustus malam semalam kunci berbagai KBS 2TV '' di
anggota SHINee muncul sebagai tamu dalam berbagai topik dan memainkan lelucon.
Siaran dari tombol, "tidak hanya sekali, cinta tapi nggak jujur," ia
MC meminta saya semua pasukan dari "tidak benar-benar.
Senang melihat sesuatu yang disebut cinta yang begitu akan bicara, Kita telah diberikan ponsel.
Menjaga ponting yeongeureonde tidak bisa lakukan, "dia kagum pada baleonhae semua.
anggota MC dan ponting 'mereka SHINee' pernyataan yang memalukan
Key, "yang tidak berarti .." katanya cepat-cepat, berusaha untuk memperbaiki.
Rendah diri bahwa "kencan buta, tetapi panggilan itu pertemuan ponting
Jangan melakukan sesuatu yang buruk, "katanya disebabkan tawa kirim cerdas.
Kesimpulan kunci, "Itu (cinta) tidak pernah sekali terlihat.
Ketika seorang peserta pelatihan tidak sibuk dan tidak pernah melihat debut sepak bola lebih baik, "katanya.
Sementara di korps udara dan bersama-sama anggota MC SHINee
Rumah sakit, pahlawan cerita bekerja malam hari dan pergi untuk mempersiapkan snack tengah malam.
source : newsen.com + SHINee fan cafe daum
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