Minho from the group SHINee was unable to hide his sadness after hearing the news of designer Andre Kim's (real name Kim Bongnam) death on the 12th. He knew Andre Kim from when he was the main male model for the 2008 public World Knowledge Forum Andre Kim Fashion Show'. Minho, who was only 16 at the time, was picked as the youngest fashion show model and was favoured by Andre Kim.
He told his company representatives this day that "I resent myself and regret not contacting him occasionally" and blamed himself. Minho was at a broadcast schedule in Kangwondo Sokcho when he heard the sad news. His company representatives said that Minho was devastated.
Andre Kim was receiving treatment at the Seoul National University Hospital for colorectal cancer and pneumonia. He then passed away on the 12th at 7:25PM at the age of 75. His wake will be arranged in the funeral hall at Seoul National University Hospital.
* Indonesian Translate
Minho dari kelompok SHINee tidak bisa menyembunyikan kesedihannya setelah mendengar kabar dari desainer (sebenarnya nama Andre Kim Kim Bongnam) meninggal pada tanggal 12. Dia tahu Andre Kim dari ketika dia model laki-laki utama untuk tahun 2008 publik Forum Pengetahuan Dunia Andre Kim Fashion Show '. Minho, yang baru berusia 16 tahun pada waktu itu, telah dipilih sebagai model fashion show termuda dan disukai oleh Andre Kim.
Dia mengatakan kepada perwakilan perusahaannya hari ini bahwa "Aku membenci diriku sendiri dan menyesal tidak menghubungi dia kadang-kadang" dan menyalahkan diri sendiri. Minho ada di jadwal siaran di Kangwondo Sokcho ketika ia mendengar berita sedih. wakil perusahaan mengatakan bahwa Minho-Nya hancur.
Andre Kim menerima perawatan di Seoul National University Hospital untuk kanker kolorektal dan pneumonia. Dia kemudian meninggal pada tanggal 12 di 19:25 pada usia 75. bangun-Nya akan diatur di aula pemakaman di Seoul National University Hospital.
Source: Edaily + shineee.net
Translations: kimchi hana @ shineee.net
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