A few weeks ago the boys of SHINee celebrated their 2nd anniversary, now there’s rumors of a comeback. SHINee’s upcoming schedule was recently posted online and the schedule reveals that their next album will be released on July 12th!
Here’s the schedule and rough translation by shiningshineeworld:
6/23~25 자켓촬영 및 뮤비촬영 (예정)
7/6 티져 공개 (예정)
저작권협회 등록 (예정)
7/8 음원 공개 (예정)
7/9 뮤직비디오 공개 (예정)
뮤직뱅크 첫방송(미정)
7/10 쇼음악중심 첫방송(미정)
7/12 앨범 발매 (예정)
6/23-25 album jacket shooting and MV filming(scheduled)
7/6 Release of teasers (scheduled)
Copyright Association Registration (scheduled)
7/8 Song release (scheduled)
7/9 Music video release (scheduled)
Music Bank Comeback (Tentative)
7/10 Music Core Comeback (Tentative)
7/12 Album Release (scheduled)
If the rumors are true, I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us. Thanks to SHINeegirl for the tip.
* Indonesian Translate
SHINee untuk kembali pada bulan Juli?
Beberapa minggu yang lalu anak-anak dari SHINee merayakan ulang tahun ke 2 mereka, sekarang ada rumor cerdas. jadwal mendatang SHINee's baru-baru ini diposting online dan jadwal mengungkapkan bahwa album berikutnya akan dirilis pada tanggal 12 Juli!
Berikut jadwal dan terjemahan kasar oleh shiningshineeworld:
6 / 23 ~ 25 자켓 촬영 및 뮤비 촬영 (예정)
06/07 티져 공개 (예정)
저작권 협회 등록 (예정)
08/07 음원 공개 (예정)
09/07 뮤직 비디오 공개 (예정)
뮤직 뱅크 첫 방송 (미정)
7 / 10 쇼음악중심 첫 방송 (미정)
7 / 12 앨범 발매 (예정)
Album 6/23-25 jaket menembak dan MV film (dijadwalkan)
06/07 Pelepasan penggoda (dijadwalkan)
Copyright Asosiasi Pendaftaran (dijadwalkan)
08/07 Song rilis (dijadwalkan)
09/07 Musik rilis video (dijadwalkan)
Music Bank cerdas (Tentatif)
7 / 10 Musik Core cerdas (Tentatif)
7 / 12 album Release (dijadwalkan)
Jika rumor ini benar, saya tidak sabar untuk melihat apa yang telah di toko untuk kita. Terima kasih kepada SHINeegirl untuk tip.
source : ALLKPOP.COM
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