Sbenernya udah agak lama sih aku tau berita ni… tapi baru sempet posting skarang
Brita ni akku dapet dari SHINee Forum International (SFI). Jadi gini critanya, ada seorang shawol (shawol di korea) ketemu Jonghyun n Key ketika mereka lagi have lunch bareng. Truz dy nulis di blognya dan cerita di SFI
"it's real?
when you get off at yeouido station (note: yeouido is an island next to the han river), the 2nd floor at the fairytale holdings (note: it's a building, i really don't know what it is) behind the waehwan bank at the 4th exit is a place called "dokdo tuna abalone" (note: a restaurant, i'm assuming) ? ?
do you know? well whatever, i was planning on going there with my friends but when we got in there people were hustling and bustling about
i saw and there was JONGHYUNnie and KIBUMmie and other people? whatever, ajusshis were eating.
because i was surprised i just stood there shaking but about 10 minutes later after they finished eating, only jonghyun and kibum (Key) walked out.
i was standing around like an idiot and kibum accidentally hit my shoulder saying "oh, i'm sorry~" he said that and left (note: insert fangirl crying here)
(note: she gets a bit...excited here lol). But as soon as bummie walked out, like a motorcycle, right? a motorcycle drove right in front of bummie. but bummie didn't notice because he was playing around with his cell phone.
so i uselessly (by reflex) ran to save him but jonghyun ran quickly right past me.
he took bummie and turned him around; if he didn't, he would've been hit.
but it was the first time i've seen JONGHYUNnie so mad hehehehehe
i thought i was seeing a fan fic, guys ???????? it's expensive and people don't go there often so that's why they must've came
Jonghyun was like "are you crazy" to Kibum and was angry, he was seriously scary (note: insert fangirl squealing)
but because we were watching they just politely laughed and apologized.
But the greatest thing was that we were shaking like crazy because jonghyun was scary but kibummie was like "humph thanks for saving me but why are you like this?" (note: like, 'what's with this kid' with his bitchy, diva attitude? god damn it must be real)
it was that kind of expression (note: insert more laughter) ummaaa??????? i really thought i was reading a fan fic???? there was no time to take a picture for proof kibum was really in danger ??
quote of what jonghyun said:
"yah kim kibum are you crazy? yah, what's in that cell phone? (what in it is that important) yah sshi (we thought he was cussing but he was being conscious of us)
yah you couldn't hear the sound of a motorcycle while looking at your phone? something bad could've happened!!" (rage...anger etc w/e)
Source: omonatheydidnt @ LJ
Translations Credit: salted_taiyaki @ LJ"
Akku translate intinya aja ya….
Saat akku lagi have lunch di sebuah restaurant, akku melihat Key dan Jonghyun sedang have lunch jga. Karna akku sangat ng.fan sama key,, akku berniat untuk mendatanginya. Tapi, saat akku berdiri dan tiba” akku terdiam seperti orang tolol karna aqkku melihat key berjalan menuju akku. Dengan tidak sengaja key menyenggol pundakku, lalu key berkata “mianhamnida,minhamnida, kwenchana??” kepadaku, key meminta maaf padaku dan bekata “apakah kamu baik2 saja??”. Akku masih terdiam tak sadar, dan akku hanya menjawab “ne, kwench anayo”, ya tidak apa2.
Dan ternyata key dan Jonghyun akan keluar restaurant. Akku pun tersadar dan hanya melihat key dari posisiku tadi. Key sedang asyik bermain dengan handphonenya. Tiba” ada sebuah mobil yang akan melintas. Key tidak mendengar klakson dari mobil tersebut. Dan akhirnya…. Key akan tertabrak oleh mobil tersebut. Tanpa berpikir panjang, akku pun langsung berlari untuk menyelamatkan key. Tapi, Jonghyun duluan yg menyelamatkan key. Walaupun akku agak kecewa, namun akku lega karna key selamat.
Akku pun masih memandangi mereka berdua. Jonghyun berkata kepada key “seberapa pentingnya handphonemu dengan keselamatanmu?? Apakah tiap kali kamu sedang menerima sms ato memegang handpdonemu kamu tidak bisa mendengar suara klakson??”. Lalu key menjawab, “ iya, akku tadi memang ceroboh dan tidak mendengar sura klakson itu. Tapi mengapa kamu sangat senang bisa menyelamatkan akku ??”. “akku tdi sungguh khawatir sekali denganmu, apakah kamu tidak mengerti hal itu??”, kata jonghyun. “ya, akku tau hal itu. Akku minta maaf ya telah membutmu khawatir”, jawab key. Lalu Jonghyun berkata, “jangan ulangi hal itu lagi, akku sungguh khawatir”. “Ya, akku tidak akan mengulanginya dan terima kasih ya hyung, kamu tlah menyelamatkanku”, tutur key. Akku hanya melihat hal itu dan tersenyum.
Wahh,, so sweet banget ya…
jangan lupa comment ya....
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