Key UFOTOWN Update 110923
[Key] Hello ! I’m SHINee’s almighty Key ! HAHA Sincerely thanks for the many birthday congratulatory messages this year too. Now i’ll work even harder like how i gradually mature, and I’ll be the Key who will work even harder. Watch over me. I love you~! ♥
Written by: vannie @dkpopnews
Translated by shinta @ weareshining & @byulbit
Key - SHINee Official Website Update 110923
안녕하세요! ‘-‘*
어제 생일 전야제를 즐겁게 마치고,
오늘 본격 생일을 맞이한 키입니다. 흐흐
어제 생일 전야제에서 우리 사랑하는 멤버들 그리고…
SHINee WORLD와 함께 즐거운 이야기 나눌 수 있어서 너무 좋았구요..
여러분도 즐거운 시간이 되었기를 바래요!
매년 즐겁고 행복한 생일을 맞이할 수 있는 건
늘 아낌없는 사랑 보내주시는 팬 여러분 덕분이라고 생각해요~
감사합니다! ‘ㅂ’
저희가 지금 일본에서 열심히 활동하는 중이라
한국 팬 여러분과 자주 만날 순 없지만!
그래도 샤이니랑 계속 함께 반짝반짝 하실 거죠?
하하 :-)
생일 축하주신 모든 분들 감사 드리구요~
우리 다 함께 행복한 하루를 보내도록 합시다!
*picture above*
니손이 내손이고 내손이 니손인가? ㅋㅋ
Translation:Title: I’m Key, the Master Key~^^
Hello! ‘-‘*
After enjoying the birthday party yesterday,
Today it’s the actual time for celebrate Key’s birthday. heuheu
At yesterday’s birthday party with my beloved members…
and with SHINee WORLD, it’s really fun to share some good stories..
I hope all of you have a great time!
Every year, I could celebrate fun birthday party and be happy
I keep thinking of my fans who always generously send love to me~
Thank you! ‘ㅂ’
Right now, we’re working hard for Japan activities
so we can’t meet Korean fans frequently!
But, you will still continue to shining with SHINee, right?
Thanks to all of you who send me birthday greetings~
Let’s have a happy day together like this again!
I love you♡
*picture above*
Your hand is my hand and my hand is your hand, right? keke
[credit, source, translation: mayafeby | original korean source: SHINee Official Website]
Key - SHINee Facebook Page Update 110923
Key~! Happy Birthday!!! Today is SHINee’s member, Key’s birthday and Key has sent us his pictures for fans! Let’s celebrate Key’s birthday together~ :)
110923 Key’s Me2day Update 
[Key] 생일입니다. 여러분 감사합니다. 흐흐. 태민아 내가 생일인게 그렇게 좋니?
[Key] It’s my birthday. Thank you, everyone. Hehe. Taemin, are you that happy that it’s my birthday?
Cr: SHINee’s me2day
[Key] 생일입니다. 여러분 감사합니다. 흐흐. 태민아 내가 생일인게 그렇게 좋니?
[Key] It’s my birthday. Thank you, everyone. Hehe. Taemin, are you that happy that it’s my birthday?
Cr: SHINee’s me2day
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