Wednesday, September 28, 2011
[Japan] Recochoku’s weekly download charts for 09/21~09/27
Chaku-Uta (Ringtone) Weekly Ranking
“Chaku-Uta” are short versions (30~40 seconds long) of songs that can easily be used as ringtones (truetone). They are usually encoded in MP3, AAC, and other similar formats.
Ranking/Weeks (TITLE - Artist)
01/(00) “Step” – KARA
02/(02) “Ai wo Tomenaide” – Koda Kumi
03/(00) “LUCIFER (Japanese Ver.)” – SHINee
04/(06) “CRAZY FOR YOU” – Kylee
05/(05) “Zutto Kimi to…” – INFINITY 16 welcomez TEE & hiroko from mihimaru GT
06/(03) “Rising Sun” – EXILE
07/(00) “Darlin’” – BENI
08/(00) “i hate you” – ISSA × SoulJa + ROLA
09/(00) “Magic Power” – Hey! Say! JUMP
10/(11) “Flying Get” – AKB48
Congratulations SHINee
News : Allkpop
Source :…king/index.html
“Chaku-Uta” are short versions (30~40 seconds long) of songs that can easily be used as ringtones (truetone). They are usually encoded in MP3, AAC, and other similar formats.
Ranking/Weeks (TITLE - Artist)
01/(00) “Step” – KARA
02/(02) “Ai wo Tomenaide” – Koda Kumi
03/(00) “LUCIFER (Japanese Ver.)” – SHINee
04/(06) “CRAZY FOR YOU” – Kylee
05/(05) “Zutto Kimi to…” – INFINITY 16 welcomez TEE & hiroko from mihimaru GT
06/(03) “Rising Sun” – EXILE
07/(00) “Darlin’” – BENI
08/(00) “i hate you” – ISSA × SoulJa + ROLA
09/(00) “Magic Power” – Hey! Say! JUMP
10/(11) “Flying Get” – AKB48
Congratulations SHINee
News : Allkpop
Source :…king/index.html
Sunday, September 25, 2011
[TRANS] SHINee interview on Japanese Monthly TV Guide Magazine 110925
Q: One good memory you have with the members?
Onew: Traveling the world and getting to try a lot of different food dishes.
Taemin: When I find out about their secrets.
Key: Getting to travel to different countries!
Jonghyun: Performing infront of alot of people with them!
Minho: When I’m spending time with them~
Q: If the world is ending, what’s the last food you’d like to eat?
Onew: Fried chicken! I want both Japan’s and Korea’s!
Taemin: if there’s time to eat, I’d rather spend that time with my friends!
Key: A hamburger meal! I want to not think about anything and just eat.
Jonghyun: An apple.
Minho: Mom’s cooking.
Q: Any mischievious incidents recently?
Onew: I used to take care of chicks. I would pretend to feed them but not let them eat the feed.
Taemin: I’m really forgetful. Once, hyungs hid my cellphone! I spent such a long time trying to find it.
Key: On my birthday, the members pretended to quarrel. I was really upset and cried!
Jonghyun: Key brought some ramen from Korea when we went to Japan. I ate it when he went shopping. Sorry~
Minho: Once, I stuck my foot at the back of the seat in the car. It was really satisfying hearing Key shout “I can’t push it down!”
Q: Something you’ve heard that has made a big impression?
Onew: I’m photogenic.
Taemin: When I’m onstage, ah~ The fans’ cheers.
Key: That I’m a very optimistic person.
Jonghyun: Thank you.
Minho: Good-looking.
Q: Something small that has made you feel happy recently?
Onew: Getting to eat yummy food!
Taemin: A good dream! The details are secret.
Key: Good food.
Jonghyun: Watching alot of good TV shows.
Minho: Sleeping in until the skies are dark.
Q: What is one thing that you’d like to do forever?
Onew: Lead a happy life with my family.
Taemin: Diving? I really like dolphins, so I’d like to be in the water.
Key: Work. I’m a workaholic (laughs).
Jonghyun: SHINee of course!
Minho: Try new and different food dishes.
Source: Japanese Monthly TV Guide Magazine
Translation by: ohatoms
Onew: Traveling the world and getting to try a lot of different food dishes.
Taemin: When I find out about their secrets.
Key: Getting to travel to different countries!
Jonghyun: Performing infront of alot of people with them!
Minho: When I’m spending time with them~
Q: If the world is ending, what’s the last food you’d like to eat?
Onew: Fried chicken! I want both Japan’s and Korea’s!
Taemin: if there’s time to eat, I’d rather spend that time with my friends!
Key: A hamburger meal! I want to not think about anything and just eat.
Jonghyun: An apple.
Minho: Mom’s cooking.
Q: Any mischievious incidents recently?
Onew: I used to take care of chicks. I would pretend to feed them but not let them eat the feed.
Taemin: I’m really forgetful. Once, hyungs hid my cellphone! I spent such a long time trying to find it.
Key: On my birthday, the members pretended to quarrel. I was really upset and cried!
Jonghyun: Key brought some ramen from Korea when we went to Japan. I ate it when he went shopping. Sorry~
Minho: Once, I stuck my foot at the back of the seat in the car. It was really satisfying hearing Key shout “I can’t push it down!”
Q: Something you’ve heard that has made a big impression?
Onew: I’m photogenic.
Taemin: When I’m onstage, ah~ The fans’ cheers.
Key: That I’m a very optimistic person.
Jonghyun: Thank you.
Minho: Good-looking.
Q: Something small that has made you feel happy recently?
Onew: Getting to eat yummy food!
Taemin: A good dream! The details are secret.
Key: Good food.
Jonghyun: Watching alot of good TV shows.
Minho: Sleeping in until the skies are dark.
Q: What is one thing that you’d like to do forever?
Onew: Lead a happy life with my family.
Taemin: Diving? I really like dolphins, so I’d like to be in the water.
Key: Work. I’m a workaholic (laughs).
Jonghyun: SHINee of course!
Minho: Try new and different food dishes.
Source: Japanese Monthly TV Guide Magazine
Translation by: ohatoms
SHINee - Lucifer Japan Version Lyrics with English Translation
SHINee - Lucifer Japan Version Lyrics with English Translation
ねえ どうしたら良い?
ただひとつ愿うよ まだ爱してくれるのなら
もう终わりにして Her whisper is the Lucifer
だけど无理して どうにかつないで
一人で 対応してこれたら
ただその瞳は like 一切実际いちころ
すべてを受け止めたい 虏
直视さえもできない たたたた たじろいで
君が仆を{ }
だけど无理して どうにかつないで
一人で 対応してこれたら
Loverhollic Robotronic Loverhollic Robotronic
交わした约束 まだずっと仆を狂わす
诘まってしまう言叶 NoNoNoNo no want me
もうおかしくなる きききき 君が中心
もう目の前の君しか见えなくなって yeah
だけど无理して どうにかつないで
一人で 対応してこれたら
{ }
もどかしくても 相当じれったいよ
心も体も夺った その 待った
近づく{ }かける暇さえなかったんだ
目を背ける言叶を惑わしてそう あるいは
络まったこの手の{ }意味はtell me why
だけど无理して どうにかつないで
一人で 対応してこれたら
now Let’s goすべてをいっそ
{ }Let’s go自由にしてよ
now Let’s go { }
{ }Let’s go { }しないよ
だけど无理して どうにかつないで
Loverhollic Robotronic Loverhollic Robotronic
Source : Baidu and
I cant even hide
No matter where I go
So what should I do?
I only have one wish. If you do not love me
Stop it.. Her Whisper is the lucifer
This love is meaningless
But we still force it to work out, in the end pain is all we left with
Being alone compared to now
I will still only love you
Cannot escape from the Lucifer
Your forces are as powerful as the Lucifer
Once fallen in love with you, reality is crushed
I want to stop all this
First time having met you
Is only a brief encounter but it felt like our relationship will last forever
I cannot look into your eyes because retreat(?)
You will make me
Have decisions set, you kept making me go crazy
What you hope for is not perfection
Unable to speak out NONONONO no want me
It is getting weirder YOU YOU YOU YOU you are the focal point
Must have chosen the wrong path and yet have forgotten
Now I can only see you, what’s in front of me .. yeah
Miss you more and more
This love is meaningless
But we still force it to work out, in the end pain is all we left with
Being alone compared to now
I will still only love you
More and more annoyed more and more worried
Just because I cannot answer you
Other than worry
I am unable to carry out other tasks
Having my body and soul taken away, I can only wait
Near.. there’s no way to escape
Avoiding the stares Seemingly mystified by these words
Binding both hands Means tell me why
This love is meaningless
But we still force it to work out, in the end, pain is all we are left with
Being alone compared to now
I will still only love you
Just like a clown locked up in a glass castle
Now Let’s Go, let’s leave everything behind
~Let’s go, reach for freedom
Unable to draw the lines, everything ends up in pain only
Now Let’s Go~
~Let’s go, I dont want to do this anymore
This love is meaningless
But we still force it to work out, in the end pain is all we left with
Loverholic Robotronic
Loverholic Robotronic
Once our gaze have met, it is unable to escape from the clutches of Lucifer
Chinese English Translation by Soundtracklove@Soompi
SHINee on Japan “MJ Present’s KPOP Special Edition” on 25th Sept
SHINee on Japan “MJ Present’s KPOP Special Edition” on 25th Sept
土曜深夜24时から「MJ presents K-POPスペシャル」を放送します。
Translation :
Saturday 0000h “MJ Present’s KPOP Special Edition” will be broadcasted.
There will be singing, dancing, talking, fun and laughter!
It include 43 min worth of the latest kpop news like 2NE1, Kara’s little sister - Rainbow, and the famous “Cat Dance” by Tiara.
Kara and 2pm videos will also be broadcasted. In addition, SNSD, SHINee, BOA, Beast latest concert videos and afterschool etc videos will be shared.
Source :…log/2011/09/22/
Origin : Weibo
Chinese-eng translation : soundtracklove@soompi
Translation :
Saturday 0000h “MJ Present’s KPOP Special Edition” will be broadcasted.
There will be singing, dancing, talking, fun and laughter!
It include 43 min worth of the latest kpop news like 2NE1, Kara’s little sister - Rainbow, and the famous “Cat Dance” by Tiara.
Kara and 2pm videos will also be broadcasted. In addition, SNSD, SHINee, BOA, Beast latest concert videos and afterschool etc videos will be shared.
Source :…log/2011/09/22/
Origin : Weibo
Chinese-eng translation : soundtracklove@soompi
Key UFOTOWN Update 110923
[Key] Hello ! I’m SHINee’s almighty Key ! HAHA Sincerely thanks for the many birthday congratulatory messages this year too. Now i’ll work even harder like how i gradually mature, and I’ll be the Key who will work even harder. Watch over me. I love you~! ♥
Written by: vannie @dkpopnews
Translated by shinta @ weareshining & @byulbit
Key - SHINee Official Website Update 110923
안녕하세요! ‘-‘*
어제 생일 전야제를 즐겁게 마치고,
오늘 본격 생일을 맞이한 키입니다. 흐흐
어제 생일 전야제에서 우리 사랑하는 멤버들 그리고…
SHINee WORLD와 함께 즐거운 이야기 나눌 수 있어서 너무 좋았구요..
여러분도 즐거운 시간이 되었기를 바래요!
매년 즐겁고 행복한 생일을 맞이할 수 있는 건
늘 아낌없는 사랑 보내주시는 팬 여러분 덕분이라고 생각해요~
감사합니다! ‘ㅂ’
저희가 지금 일본에서 열심히 활동하는 중이라
한국 팬 여러분과 자주 만날 순 없지만!
그래도 샤이니랑 계속 함께 반짝반짝 하실 거죠?
하하 :-)
생일 축하주신 모든 분들 감사 드리구요~
우리 다 함께 행복한 하루를 보내도록 합시다!
*picture above*
니손이 내손이고 내손이 니손인가? ㅋㅋ
Translation:Title: I’m Key, the Master Key~^^
Hello! ‘-‘*
After enjoying the birthday party yesterday,
Today it’s the actual time for celebrate Key’s birthday. heuheu
At yesterday’s birthday party with my beloved members…
and with SHINee WORLD, it’s really fun to share some good stories..
I hope all of you have a great time!
Every year, I could celebrate fun birthday party and be happy
I keep thinking of my fans who always generously send love to me~
Thank you! ‘ㅂ’
Right now, we’re working hard for Japan activities
so we can’t meet Korean fans frequently!
But, you will still continue to shining with SHINee, right?
Thanks to all of you who send me birthday greetings~
Let’s have a happy day together like this again!
I love you♡
*picture above*
Your hand is my hand and my hand is your hand, right? keke
[credit, source, translation: mayafeby | original korean source: SHINee Official Website]
Key - SHINee Facebook Page Update 110923
Key~! Happy Birthday!!! Today is SHINee’s member, Key’s birthday and Key has sent us his pictures for fans! Let’s celebrate Key’s birthday together~ :)
110923 Key’s Me2day Update 
[Key] 생일입니다. 여러분 감사합니다. 흐흐. 태민아 내가 생일인게 그렇게 좋니?
[Key] It’s my birthday. Thank you, everyone. Hehe. Taemin, are you that happy that it’s my birthday?
Cr: SHINee’s me2day
[Key] 생일입니다. 여러분 감사합니다. 흐흐. 태민아 내가 생일인게 그렇게 좋니?
[Key] It’s my birthday. Thank you, everyone. Hehe. Taemin, are you that happy that it’s my birthday?
Cr: SHINee’s me2day
Thursday, September 22, 2011
{NEWS} Vocal trainers rank the idols with the best vocal talent
For the first time ever, the number of idol groups promoting in the market will hit 100 by the end of the year. Their popularity is often determined by their fans, but what do the professionals in the industry think of them?
E-Daily recently brought together 30 vocal trainers, 27 choreographers, and 18 plastic surgeons to rank the idols according to vocal talent, dancing, and looks. Check out who they ranked as the top in terms of vocal talent below! (And check out who topped the category for looks and dancing here and here)
Out of the 30 vocal trainers, 8 of them chose 2AM. Cho Hong Kyung, the director of a vocal academy, explained, “As a ballad group that needs to have their vocal talent stand out, they have a strong foundation. SHINee tries to sing on par with the actual CD recording as they can, which makes them just as impressive, but 2AM is just a bit above them.”
SHINee followed closely behind, earning a total of five votes. Vocal trainer Cho Hye Young praised, “SHINee has the ability to express their songs in a unique color. Their musicality is also excellent.”
Big Bang and JYJ tied at third with four votes each. Commenting on Big Bang, trainers stated, “They’re a very unique team that can take any song and express it in their own style.“ As for JYJ, ”The members each have exceptional talent.”
In the female group category, ballad duo Davichi earned a total of 8 votes. Vocal trainer Ham Yoo Sung stated, “They work well with each other and harmonize beautifully. The level of their expression is above the rest.” Director Cho Hong Kyung added, “Davichi shows so many things through just their music alone. Together, they harmonize wonderfully and fit well with ballads.”
2NE1 and SISTAR tied at second with seven votes each.
In the individual member category, 2AM’s Changmin topped the chart for the males, coming away with a total of 9 votes. Vocal trainer Yoo Ui Joo stated, “Changmin doesn’t have a vocal style that depends on the trend, but has a comfortable vocal talent that’s all his own, which is extremely charming.
JYJ’s Junsu took 2nd place, while MBLAQ‘s G.O. ranked 3rd with six and four votes respectively. Han Min Woo, vocal trainer and professor at the Changjo Music Academy, praised Junsu by stating, “He has the ability to comprehend songs well and leads them out,” while vocal trainer Kim Tae Hwan praised G.O. by saying, “He has a modern musical color and rhythm as well as great diction.”
As for the girls, SISTAR’s Hyorin racked up 12 points and was praised for her “charming husky voice with a strong sound.”SNSD’s Taeyeon and Davichi’s Haeri tied in second with 8 points each.
On Taeyeon, they praised, “She has the skills to go solo. Her voice itself isn’t powerful but she has an exceptional ability to express emotions, which is rare for someone her age. She knows the mature taste of songs that singers like IUdon’t have.”
On Haeri, they praised, “She’s multi-talented in that her voice tone is great, her pronunciation, she’s got great vocalization and is always in tune.”
Check out the full list below:
Male Group
1. 2AM (8)
2. SHINee (5)
3. Big Bang / JYJ (4)
Male Group member
1. Lee Changmin (9)
2. JYJ’s Junsu (6)
3. G.O. (4)
Female Group
1. Davichi (9)
2. 2NE1 / SISTAR (7)
Female Group member
1. Hyorin (12)
2. Haeri / Taeyeon (8)
source; allkpop
KEY’s Birthday Party will be held on 110922 @ SME Buliding
KEY’s Birthday Party will be held on 110922 8pm @ SME Buliding only 100 participants can join this Party
Credit: SMTOWN Source: weibo
[Eng Trans] 110921 SHINee Onew's Star Call
[Eng Trans] Onew’s Star Call 110921 -
Hello everyone, it’s SHINee’s Onew..
It’s been a long while since I’ve greeted everyone through a star call…
Recently, we’ve travelled to many different countries….such as Russia….etc….hehe….just many different countries.
Really, it’s been a very long time since I’ve greeted you all so now I want to greet you guys ^^
I wonder how have you guys been?
Hope everyone continues to be happy and please continue to give SHINee lots and lots of love ♥
Everyone, please wait a little more ^▽^
Translation by: vivz @ soompi
Hello everyone, it’s SHINee’s Onew..
It’s been a long while since I’ve greeted everyone through a star call…
Recently, we’ve travelled to many different countries….such as Russia….etc….hehe….just many different countries.
Really, it’s been a very long time since I’ve greeted you all so now I want to greet you guys ^^
I wonder how have you guys been?
Hope everyone continues to be happy and please continue to give SHINee lots and lots of love ♥
Everyone, please wait a little more ^▽^
Translation by: vivz @ soompi
Sunday, September 18, 2011
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