Wednesday, October 27, 2010
SHINee’s Main Vocalist Kim Jonghyun is Dating with Actress Shin Sekyung! Shin Se Kyung and Jong Hyun from SHINee are dating!

It has been confirmed that Shin Se Kyung (21) and Jong Hyun from SHINee (21) are dating. Photos which took of the couple, makes them look like an ordinary couple.
Shin Se Kyung and Jong Hyun have been dating usually in SamSungDong. Even though both are very busy with their schedules, whenever they had time, they met up and spent some time together. Usually it was Jong Hyun visitng Shin Se Kyung and them taking a walk together.
They also admitted that they cannot meet frequently and Jong Hyun tries to avoid his fan’s eyes and they meet at night. They also said that all they do is take walks around the house or at the park.
Even after 20days of spotting them together, all they do is take walks. One day when Shin Se Kyung had a conference for the new movie “Acoustic”, Jong Hyun met her outside her house as she was just returning.
These two have become closer thanks to their common interest in music. For the 20 days they have been listening to music as they walked. Jong Hyun shared an earphone together and enjoyed a moment with just two of them together.
Someone who knows this couple well said “Not only they are the same age, their hobbies are really similar. This helped them become close in a short period of time.”
Since they cannot meet frequently due to schedules, they send text messages to each other frequently.
He also said “They are both busy with our new albums and works. In addition, Jong Hyun is living with his SHINee members. He cannot afford to spend too much time with her. They call each other often”
Shin Se Kyung and Jong Hyun first met last May in a concert. After that, they met coincidentally and became friends, and recently became couples. Both companies of Shin Se Kyung and Jong Hyun announced that, “This is just the beginning for them. They have really good feelings for each other” and confirmed that they are dating
Source:Sports Seoul, @Forever_SHINee
SHINee And Super Junior Talk About Jonghyun’s Relationship On Sukira

On the October 25th broadcast of Super Junior’s Kiss The Radio, SHINee guest starred alongside hosts, Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Eunhyuk. From the :37 second mark, Key reads a part of the script that he finds funny and that leads to Eunhyuk spilling something unintentionally.
It was recently revealed that Jonghyun and Shin Se Kyung are dating with both of their agencies confirming the couple’s relationship.
Key: “I, Taemin, thinks that when Jonghyun falls for girl groups, he doesn’t seem like a hyung and is truthfully, laughable.”
Onew: “Ah, when Jonghyun falls for girl groups.”
Key: “Is there something behind the reason you gave this example?
Leeteuk: “No, it’s just an example the script-writer gave us. For Jonghyun, it’s not girl groups. I know for sure.”
Eunhyuk: “Girl. [It’s just one girl]”
Leeteuk: “That’s right! Not girl groups, girl.”
Jonghyun: “Fortunately, you say it’s girl, not girls.”
Watch the vid here:
Taemin cut @ Sukira [Engsub]
sr: omonatheydidnt
Credit: [N]hi_[R]ie @ soompi, @Forever_SHINee
Monday, October 25, 2010
SHINee’s Radio Show Schedule for this week

Shinee at Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio on Oct 25 (Mon) — “Hello” Come Back Special
Onew, Jonghyun, and Taemin at MBC Radio, 2-4 a.m., Oct. 28 (Thu) — “We Are Beautiful”
Shinee at SBS FM Kim Heechul’s Young Street, 8 p.m., Oct. 29 (Fri) — Heeprah Winfrey Show
Shinee at Ondalsaem and Dreaming Radio, 10 p.m., Oct. 29 (Fri) — Live Battle with U.V.
Credit: jujugal @soompi, @FOREVER SHINee
SHINee to appear alongside BoA in “Athena”

International star BoA began filming for SBS’s new drama, “Athena“, set for broadcast in December.
The drama’s production company, Taewon Entertainment, stated on October 25th, “BoA has recently finished her first filming for the drama as the role of a charismatic top singer. The scene was of her character receiving protection from her bodyguard, Jung Woo Sung, in Japan. She showed her true worth even in the additional filmings held in Korea as well.”
On the 18th, filming took place in the building of BoA’s agency, SM Entertainment. The filming focused on her life behind the stage along with appearances from her juniors, SHINee.
Bintang internasional BoA mulai syuting untuk drama baru SBS, "Athena", ditetapkan untuk siaran pada bulan Desember.
perusahaan produksi Drama itu, Taewon Entertainment, menyatakan pada tanggal 25 Oktober, "telah BoA baru saja selesai nya film pertama untuk drama sebagai peran sebagai penyanyi top karismatik. Adegan itu dari karakternya menerima perlindungan dari pengawalnya, Jung Woo Sung, di Jepang. Dia menunjukkan nilai yang sebenarnya bahkan di filmings tambahan yang diadakan di Korea juga. "
Pada 18, syuting berlangsung di gedung Badan BoA, SM Entertainment. Pembuatan film terfokus pada kehidupan di balik panggung bersama dengan penampilan dari junior nya, SHINee.
Source :
Friday, October 22, 2010
SHINee’s Key tells fans to beware of fake Twitter accounts

SHINee’s Key has alerted his fans to beware of fake Twitter accounts through a message on SHINee’s me2day.
On October 21st, Key wrote, “Kyokyo…Tiger side view…Oh yeah, I don’t tweet tweet so please beware of fakes!”
He uploaded a picture of himself wearing a tiger skin patterned jacket along with his message. Fans commented, “Key matches such patterns best,” “Thank you for warning us about Twitter. There are a lot of people following fake ones,” and “It’s funny how he said tweet tweet instead of Twitter.”
With fake Twitter accounts impersonating celebrities constantly being discovered, Key himself has revealed that he does not have a Twitter account.
Source :
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hallyu Explosion 2010 by UKLI distric Malang
Hallyu Explosion 2010 by UKLI distric Malang. Parade Korea Se-Malang Raya.
November, 14th 2010 @ MOG 3rd Floor.
Ticket : PO = Rp. 15.00-,00
on the spot = Rp 20.000,00
Contact Person *Public Relation Hallyu Explosion 2010*
erin : +6285646660500
accem : +6285755494632
kee : +6285649532352
rendria: +6287852241385
November, 14th 2010 @ MOG 3rd Floor.
Ticket : PO = Rp. 15.00-,00
on the spot = Rp 20.000,00
Contact Person *Public Relation Hallyu Explosion 2010*
erin : +6285646660500
accem : +6285755494632
kee : +6285649532352
rendria: +6287852241385

Indonesian - Korean Friendship
101021 Key at Me2day

[Key] 쿄쿄…호피옆라인…아 맞다 전 짹짹이 하지않으니 가짜 조심 하세요!
English Translate :
[Key] Kyokyo... Leopard print... Ah, right. I don't use Check Check, so please look out for fakers!
Indonesian Translate :
Kyokyo [Key] ... Leopard cetak ... Ah, benar. Saya tidak menggunakan Periksa Periksa, jadi silakan melihat keluar untuk fakers!
Source :
Monday, October 18, 2010
SHINee, 2pm, 2NE1 and other 15 artists for 2010 Share the Love Concert
NongShim will be holding a concert on the 14th of November at the Seoul Olympic Stadium for the 2010 Share the Love Concert.
Nongshim along with Red Cross have sponsored this event and they will be celebrating their 11th year anniversary after they started this back in 2000.
Share the Love Concert has been including Korea’s Top Singers annually for an audience of thousands all to share the love together for a good cause. This year will include 2pm, 2ne1, SHINee, Tiara, BoA, Miss A, Psy and others all including 15 artists in 1 concert.
Also, Share the love concert on Nongcon’s official website has been holding quiz and asks for visitors comments for a raffle ticket event where they are giving away 2 tickets to each lucky winners. The winners will be announced on the 11th.
Since 2000, NongShim have already donated over 433,000 packs of ramyeon’s to red cross. They will continue the good cause this year for another one big concert.
Source: Nate
Credits: Blueprincess824 @, @Forever_SHINee
101018 From SHINee

< 2010. 10. 17. - SBS 인기가요 1위! >
[From. ONEW]
일단 너무너무 감사 드린답니다..^^
리팩키지 앨범으로 처음 일등이네요!
낮에도 기쁘게 싸인회 했는데 역시나..
많이 힘써주셔서 감사합니다.
항상 재미있게 아자아자~~^^?
Trans :
I thank very very much .. ^ ^ a
It's the first time in the first place ripaekkiji album!
Yeoksina signing these was pleased during the day ..
I owe you for much.
Hip, hip, always fun ~~^^?
[From. Jong Hyun]
감사합니다. 저희 음악을 들어주신 모든 분들,
그리고 항상 함께하는 소중한 스텝! 다 함께 만들어낸 거니까 ^^
그리고 항상 고마운 샤이니월드 ~^^ 평생 나랑 재밌게 살아요 ㅎ
Trans :
Thank you. All of you who listen to our music,
And always a valuable step along! 'll Coined together ^ ^
And always appreciated SHINee World ~ ^ ^ have fun with me live my life heh
Thank you.
[From. Key]
와아!!! 뮤티즌!! 예이~~ 진심으로 감사 드려요...
잘 모르겠다..하고 있었는데 주시다니 !
ㅠㅠ 감동에 감동... 너무 기분 좋았어요~
많은 분들의 도움에... 좀 더 발전하는 모습 보여드리는 샤이니 될게요 !
땡큐 베리 감사 싸랑해염~♥
Trans :
Wow! Myutijeun! Yay ~ ~ I really appreciate it ...
Could I do not know .. I was the time!
ㅠ ㅠ touched and impressed by the ... I feel so good ~
With the help of many people ... Offering to develop and show a little more I'll become shiny!
Thank You Thank you Barry ssaranghaeyeom ~ ♥
[From. Min Ho]
너무 감사 드립니다! 많은 분들의 노력으로 이뤄낸 뮤티즌송…
그리고 팬 여러분께서 보내주신 응원과 사랑도 절대 잊지 않고,
항상 노력하는 샤이니의 민호가 되겠습니다.
SHINee World 사랑합니다! ^^
Trans :
Thank you so much! Myutijeunsong achieved through the efforts of many people ...
And our fans have sent us their support and love never forgets,
We will always strive Minho of SHINee.
I love SHINee World! ^ ^
[From. Tae Min]
항상 너무 감사 드리구요, Lucifer에 이어 Hello까지 많은 사랑 주셔서 감사 합니다.
앞으로 더 빛나는 샤이니가 될 수 있도록 노력할 테니까요,
지금도 많지만 지금보다 더~~ 많은 사랑주세요 ㅎㅎ
Trans :
Always thank you very much, Lucifer from behind Hello Thank you so much love.
We work to ensure that more would be shiny shiny,
Even now, a lot of love, but now more than me hehe ~
Thank you!
Source :
translate by :
TaeKey Couple MC at Mucore

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
Credit : OVS
Thursday, October 14, 2010

2010-10-31 【방송】PM 11:15 KBS-2TV 밤샘 버라이어티 ‘야행성’ 24회 - MC 온유
2010-10-28 【뮤지컬】PM 08:00 뮤지컬 ‘Rock Of Ages’ - ONEW 18회 (서울 송파구 우리금융아트홀)
2010-10-27 【뮤지컬】PM 08:00 뮤지컬 ‘Rock Of Ages’ - ONEW 17회 (서울 송파구 우리금융아트홀)
2010-10-24 【방송】PM 11:15 KBS-2TV 밤샘 버라이어티 ‘야행성’ 23회 - MC 온유
2010-10-23 【해외공연】PM 08:00 ‘Korean Pop Night Concert 2010’ (Singapore Expo Hall 2)
2010-10-22 【생방송/예정】PM 05:50 KBS-2TV 뮤직뱅크 (KBS 신관 공개홀)
2010-10-21 【공연】PM 12:30 ‘2010 대한민국 뷰티디자인엑스포’ 개막식 축하공연 (경기 일산 KINTEX)
2010-10-21 【뮤지컬】PM 04:30 뮤지컬 ‘Rock Of Ages’ - ONEW 15회 (서울 송파구 우리금융아트홀)
2010-10-21 【뮤지컬】PM 08:00 뮤지컬 ‘Rock Of Ages’ - ONEW 16회 (서울 송파구 우리금융아트홀)
2010-10-21 【녹화】PM 07:00 y-star LIVE POWER Music - ‘제6회 부산세계불꽃축제’ 기념 (부산 광안리 해수욕장)
2010-10-20 【뮤지컬】PM 08:00 뮤지컬 ‘Rock Of Ages’ - ONEW 14회 (서울 송파구 우리금융아트홀)
2010-10-19 【녹화】PM 07:30 KBS-2TV 열린음악회 (김해 대성동 고분군)
2010-10-17 【방송/예정】PM 04:10 SBS-TV 인기가요 (10/10 녹화분)
2010-10-17 【방송】PM 11:15 KBS-2TV 밤샘 버라이어티 ‘야행성’ 22회 - MC 온유
2010-10-16 【공연】PM 07:30 MBC Drama-TV 2010 세계 식량의 날 자원봉사대축제 ‘나눔콘서트’ (경기 수원월드컵경기장..
2010-10-16 【생방송/예정】PM 04:20 MBC-TV 쇼! 음악중심 (일산 MBC 드림센터 공개홀 - 남문입장)
2010-10-15 【사인회】PM 08:00 Repackage Album [Hello] 발매기념 - 미디어 신나라 (부산 서면 밀리오레 행사장)
2010-10-15 【사인회】PM 05:00 Repackage Album [Hello] 발매기념 - Hottracks (대구)
【2010-10-31】 PM 11:15 KBS-2TV broadcast overnight Variety 'Nocturnal' 24 times - MC Onew
【2010-10-28】 PM 08:00 Musical Musical 'Rock Of Ages' - ONEW 18 times (Songpa our financial Hall)
【2010-10-27】 PM 08:00 Musical Musical 'Rock Of Ages' - ONEW 17 times (Songpa our financial Hall)
【2010-10-24】 PM 11:15 KBS-2TV broadcast overnight Variety 'Nocturnal' 23 times - MC Onew
【2010-10-23】 overseas performances PM 08:00 'Korean Pop Night Concert 2010' (Singapore Expo Hall 2)
2010-10-22 【live / scheduled】 PM 05:50 KBS-2TV Music Bank (KBS Annex gonggaehol)
【2010-10-21】 PM 12:30 '2010 Republic of Korea show Beauty Design Expo Opening Celebration (play Ilsan KINTEX)
【2010-10-21】 PM 04:30 Musical Musical 'Rock Of Ages' - ONEW 15 times (Songpa our financial Hall)
【2010-10-21】 PM 08:00 Musical Musical 'Rock Of Ages' - ONEW 16 times (Songpa our financial Hall)
2010-10-21 【Recording】 PM 07:00 y-star LIVE POWER Music - 'The 6th Pusan International Fireworks Festival' Memorial (Pusan Gwangalli Beach)
【2010-10-20】 PM 08:00 Musical Musical 'Rock Of Ages' - ONEW 14 times (Songpa our financial Hall)
【2010-10-19】 PM 07:30 KBS-2TV recording concerts (Daeseong-dong Gimhae tomb)
2010-10-17 【broadcast / scheduled】 PM 04:10 SBS-TV Inkigayo (10/10 footage)
【2010-10-17】 PM 11:15 KBS-2TV broadcast overnight Variety 'Nocturnal' 22 times - MC gentleness
【2010-10-16】 performances PM 07:30 MBC Drama-TV 2010 World Food Day resources bongsadae Festival, sharing the concert (Suwon World Cup Stadium ..
Live 2010-10-16 【/】 PM 04:20 MBC-TV show will be! Music Center (MBC Ilsan Dream Center gonggaehol - South Gate position)
【2010-10-15】 signing PM 08:00 Repackage Album [Hello] commemorating the release - the media dialogues (written Busan Migliore venue)
【2010-10-15】 signing PM 05:00 Repackage Album [Hello] released Memorial - Hottracks (Daegu)
Source :
SHINee Members are Very Thankful of The Indonesian Fans’ Support

It was revealed today that two of SHINee’s members were injured after a performance in Indonesia. SHINee took off for Jakarta to perform for the ‘Korea-Indonesia Sharing Friendship Concert‘, held on October 12th.
SM Entertainment announced on the 14th, “The Indonesian fans showed a lot of interest in SHINee during this event. There were a lot of people that were waiting to see the group after the performance, so as Jonghyun was getting off-stage, he was being pushed around, causing him to twist his ankle and injure his ligaments. Key also got hurt at this time.”
SM continued, “Jonghyun went to a hospital in Seoul as soon as he arrived. He got a minor cast to protect his ankle. Key went to the hospital as well and they told him he should rest for a day or two. Because of this, SHINee could not make it to the event that was scheduled that night.”
SM added, “But their injuries are not serious, so their follow-up song ‘Hello’ will be promoted without problems. SHINee members remain very thankful of the Indonesian fans’ support.”
Their appearance in Indonesia made it to the first page of ‘The Jakarta Post’.
Suddenly this explains why SHINee performed with just Minho, Taemin and Onew at the KIKO Public Awareness Cultural Fest last night
source : allkpop
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1. (fancam) SHINee - Hello @ KIFF, Jakarta, October 12th 2010
2. fancam] SHINee performing Ring Ding Dong at KIFF Concert
3. Fancam KIFF 2010 SHINee Lucifer
4. FANCAM - 101012 SHINee's interview at KIFF 2010
5. [Fancam] 101011 Shinee Arrival Soekarno Hatta Airport Jakarta Indonesia Part 1.wmv
6. [Fancam] 101011 Shinee Arrival Soekarno Hatta Airport Jakarta Indonesia Part 2
credit : youtube

Here is the official full statement from

Here is the official full statement from regarding the news in which SHINee is being treated not well and unpleasant by Indonesian Fans while visiting the country and also other things that has to be straighten and point out:
1. Jonghyun has injured his leg. We confirmed that is correct. We got the news from one of our friends in the airport that He is being carried by his manager.
2. ONEW angry. We can’t said this is right or wrong. But according to the news we got from the field, some extreme fans got into the backstage and start to treat SHINee unpolite and showing an attitude of complete insanely extreme fans. The fans are finally being scold by the security.
3. Taemin falling down. It is not Taemin, but fans who got pushed by the security.
4. There are no KICKING and PUNCHING towards SHINee members. If there are, that means the fans are just an unstable minded teenagers who are just crazy over SHINee in a bad way.
For that, we would like to say a huge sorry that we keep saying that everything is hoax because we haven’t got the correct and truthful news from the trusted source.
We are journalists, we report what is confirmed true.
So Indonesians kpop fans, do learn from your mistakes, we can love our idols but not being brutal and extremist. Please be polite to them, and they will comeback.
admins of
NOTE: please don’t just quote a part but retweet all!
Credit and by: koreanupdates @ Twitter
SHINee at Jakarta

Hundreds of SHINee fans packed the side door of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday (11/10) night. They huddled near the bus that brought the them.
Some teenagers even waited in the hotel wearing uniform. They had waited since afternoon after the school ends. These students admire SHINee’s (Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, Taemin) good looks and beautiful voice. For those who don’t know this R&B contemporary band, they’re the one who fill the soundtrack of the Korean drama, Boys Over Flowers.
They had their first stop at the Ritz Carlton, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, holding a press conference and introduction. This is their first visit to Jakarta. In the capital, they got the opportunity to promote their second album, Lucifer.
They will begin their journey in Jakarta. SHINee is scheduled to entertain their fans at the Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta tomorrow.
Dwi, one of SHINee fans, thrilled with the arrival of the five cute teenagers. He liked the single Sanso Gateun Neo (Love Like Oxygen). “Their dance moves also make all of us melts,” said Dwi.
SHINee, who is also one of the world’s iconic fashion line, has stolen the hearts of Korean artists lovers in Indonesia. One of the most popular single titled Stand By Me.
SHINee Minho choose spoon
In some countries in Southeast Asia, chopsticks is the main eating utensil replacing spoons. Cutlery from East Asia can be found in a number of Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Vietnamese restaurants. But for Minho, SHINee member, spoons remain the primary choice when eating food.
It was seen when Minho with his friends and crew were eating at the opening of the Indonesia-Korea Week in the Grand Ballroom of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday (11/10) night. He previously had held the chopsticks and spoke briefly with his partner.
We don’t know what are they talking about, Minho put chopsticks in his hand and holding a spoon to eat the food in front of him. SHINee Minho and four other members, Onew, Jonghyun, Key, and Taemin will ‘shake’ the city of Jakarta with the launch of their second album, Lucifer. Tomorrow they will perform at the Tennis Indoor Senayan, South Jakarta, held their first concert in Indonesia.
Source : Liputan 6 + Yahoo [1], [2]
Edit & trans :
Via: [YY] @ 2s1family
Monday, October 11, 2010
SHINee from Seoul to Jakarta [as of 3:55PM KST]
Saturday, October 9, 2010
New Link !!!

Love Pursuer ep 6 with SHINee Key
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
Source : elfshow's channel
Key and Minho to be a DJ
[SHINee] Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
credit : SHINee World Malang
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